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Monday, December 1, 2008

Mumbai incident the worst I’ve seen: Sohail

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s flamboyant left-arm fast bowler Sohail Tanvir dubbed the recent Mumbai terrorist attack as a near miss and his life’s worst ever experience.
Sohail, 23, was trapped in a hotel in Mumbai for two days and travelled back home after getting security clearance from the Indian authorities.
Sohail and fellow player Kamran Akmal was in India to play the Indian Premier League (IPL) champions league and were scheduled to represent Rajasthan Royals in the inaugural Twenty20 Champions League.
Talking to Dawn on Saturday after arriving back home, Sohail said: ‘Before the attack I was dining with some of my friends outside the hotel and suddenly we got a call from our team manager Sushil to get back to the hotel as terrorists had struck at a premier hotel in Mumbai.’
We, he said, were really scared and it was a nightmare for him and other fellow players as they were 22 km away from the terrorists’ attack point.
Sohail, who was also named as the best bowler of the inaugural IPL season, pointed out: ‘We were supposed to stay at the Taj Hotel on a later stage as Shane Warne was also scheduled to join us.’
The pacer said that spin magician Shane Warne, captain of Rajasthan Royals, took a flight back to his home country from Singapore after he get the bad news from Mumbai.
‘The loss of life is tragic and I will never forget the horror we faced out there,’ he said. When asked about the upcoming Pakistan-India cricket home series which was in doubts over rising security concerns shown by the Indian Government, he said: ‘I think the Indians should come to Pakistan as both the countries shrug terror away through sports.’

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