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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Strauss feels duty to game

Andrew Strauss has revealed England are prepared to fly back due to a sense of "duty to the game of cricket".
The England and Wales Cricket Board announced on Wednesday a full squad will fly out to Abu Dhabi with the intention of travelling on to India next week for the first Test in Chennai, which starts a week on Thursday, if they are advised it is safe to do so.
Strauss told BBC Radio Five Live: "We've weighed up the pros and cons of going back on tour and I think we've all come to the conclusion, if the security arrangements are sufficient, we've probably got a duty to the game of cricket to get out there and play these two Test matches if at all possible."
All the players in the squad have now received the reports from the ECB security team and also the recommendations Reg Dickason, the team security adviser, has insisted the Board of Control for Cricket in India put in place.
Strauss insisted England have faith in Dickason, saying: "That's what his job is and it would be wrong for us to second guess his professional opinion.
"We travel round the world all the time, we often go to places that have had problems in the past and we put our faith in the security experts to tell us where is safe to travel and where isn't and I don't see why this should be any different.
"To begin with there was a lot of shock and emotion because a lot of it seemed very close to home. When things like that happen you start thinking about being with your family and cricket probably doesn't feel like such a big priority.
"But having had a few days to let things settle down, you look at things a bit more logically and objectively.
"The indications we've got so far is it is (safe) and once the full checks have been made then we can all make that journey to India on Monday. The players I've spoken to have been very much in the same frame of mind as me."

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